• Employees are crucial for a company’s success, especially in a highly competitive global market.
  • A successful company should provide an inspiring working environment that fosters openness, diversity, and appreciation.
  • Infolog recognizes the importance of an open gender culture for technical excellence and implements a comprehensive strategy to support diversity.
  • Infolog is committed to promoting the career advancement of women and creating positive conditions for them.
  • Infolog believes that achieving gender equality and eliminating discrimination is a collective responsibility of all its members.
  • Infolog’s human-resource policy should reflect the equal treatment of women and men, with a focus on strengthening gender competences.
  • Gender mainstreaming and gender budgeting should be incorporated into Infolog’s research and resource allocation processes.
  • The promotion of gender equality is an important obligation for individuals in management positions.

Objectives of the Gender Equality Plan

  • Implementation of structures for ongoing discussion and ensuring a permanent gender discourse
  • Sustainable provision of resources for gender equality measures
  • Increasing the proportion of women through recruiting, personnel development and the provision of adequate work-life balance
  • Supporting an appreciative organizational and communication culture through clear positioning and messages to market competitors externally and to all employees and affiliates internally

Participatory Anchoring

  • For an effective and continuous implementation of gender equality measures, the different hierarchical levels and employee groups are invited to be involved in the development of gender activities

Gender Monitor

The Gender Monitor provides Infolog with a useful source of data over time. Key figures are collected and published every two years on the following aspects:


- Ratio of female applications to recruitment of female

Career development

- Proportion of women by occupation
- Share of women by occupational level

Reconciliation of professional and private life

- Use of (parental) leave option across all employee groups

Resources and Budget

Infolog provides a budget based on the needs and the actions taken. Personal resources and responsibilities are assigned under the corresponding items of this plan

Measures of the Gender Equality Plan

An organizational culture and work-life balance are key factors for gender-equality, which in turn is the prerequisite for innovation, attractiveness as an employer and thus economic success. The following measures therefore support gender-responsive communication and, above all, the creation and maintenance of gender-responsive framework conditions in the company:
  • Gender equality, respect and empowerment are at the heart of our
  • The use of gender-equitable language in internal and external communication is mandatory.

Supporting our employees in creating personal work-life balance

The expectations for a work-life balance depend on what stage of life and career someone is in. Infolog makes it possible to organize working life according to individual needs and thus achieve an optimal work-life balance.
  • Flexible (part-time) working models: Possibility to arrange flexible working time adapted to individual needs in terms of extent and location as well as flexibility of the place of work (Teleworking).
  • Support for paternity leave and part-time leave for fathers

Increasing the proportion of qualified female applicants for vacancies at all hierarchical levels

  • Job advertisements are designed in a gender-sensitive
  • Balanced selection process – obligatory participation of women in the selection process.
  • Unconscious Bias trainings offer for all those persons involved in personnel recruitment


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